Introduction to siliciclastic facies
2 Days

A basic introduction to the interpretation of siliciclastic facies from cores and well logs. High-resolution 50% scale core photos are used to illustrate the facies. Each module starts with a presentation to describe the depositional processes of a setting and how to use this knowledge to make subsurface predictions. Each module includes an exercise using core data integrated with either well logs or seismic. This course includes a basic introduction to some sequence stratigraphic concepts.
Additional Information
Type: In person
Pre-requisites: None
Location: Offered on demand at your location
Skills: At the end of this course you will have a basic understanding of how to use core to interpret depositional environments and make subsurface predictions
Depositional environments:
- Fluvial
- Coastal: Shoreface, deltaic, tidal
- Deepwater fans
Advanced siliciclastic facies and sequence stratigraphy
5 Days

An advanced analysis of a wide range of clastic facies and their sequence stratigraphic architectures. High-resolution 50% scale core photos are used to illustrate the facies. Although no previous knowledge is required, we move rapidly from basic to more advanced topics and so some knowledge of depositional settings and sedimentary structures is helpful. The first half of the class covers the full range of clastic settings, and the second half focuses more on sequence stratigraphic applications.
Additional Information
Type: In person
Pre-requisites: A basic knowledge of sedimentary structures and depositional settings is helpful
Location: Offered on demand at your location
Skills: At the end of this course you will understand how to interpret depositional environments from core and how to integrate that information with well logs and seismic to generate subsurface stratigraphic and facies models. Emphasis is on using this information to make predictions of the distribution of reservoir and seal.
Depositional environments:
- Eolian
- Fluvial & paleosols
- Coastal: Shoreface, deltaic, tidal
- Deepwater fans
- Contourites
sequence stratigraphy
5 Days

A thorough exploration of the concepts of sequence stratigraphy based on our SEPM book. Sequence stratigraphic concepts are developed through a combination of lectures and exercises mostly on subsurface data sets, but also including outcrop photopans.
Additional Information
Type: In person
Pre-requisites: A basic knowledge of clastic depositional settings is required
Location: Offered on demand at your location
Skills: At the end of this course you will understand how to use sequence stratigraphic principles to make subsurface predictions of the distribution of reservoir, source, and seal.
Stratigraphy & facies of the Book Cliffs
5 Days

This field trip illustrates how to distinguish the different types of stratigraphic relationships in the Cretaceous strata in the Book Cliffs and in the nearby Jurassic Morrison Fm. This course will start with an introduction to shoreface and fluvial facies models. And then we will use those models to introduce sequence stratigraphic concepts examining in detail sequence boundaries and flooding surfaces, and discuss alternative interpretations. This course will be supplemented with large-format (50% scale) core photos from cores obtained behind the outcrop.
Additional Information
Type: Field trip
Pre-requisites: None
Location: Starting and ending in Green River UT, USA
Skills: At the end of this course you will have a basic understanding of:
- shoreface and fluvial depositional models.
- recognition of different types of stratigraphic surfaces
- relationships between outcrop and core expression of facies and stratigraphic surfaces
Depositional environments
- Fluvial & paleosols
- Coastal: shoreface and tidal